BASE Isolated House


BASE Isolated House

What is Base Isolated House?

Base isolated structure fends off violent shakings of quakes while 'earthquake-resistant' housing uses the building itself to resist such tremors. Its isolation mechanism absorbs the earthquake force to convert severe vibrations into much smaller and slower ones. Thus it can protect your loved ones and property by preventing secondary damage caused by falling or dropping of the furniture or breakage of window glasses.

Base isolated House
The technology called 'seismic isolation structure' which turns destructive seismic shakings into slower and softer ones prevents possible damage. This structure can evade the tremors, taking them in stride and safeguarding the building, not mention the human lives and property inside.

Earthquake Resistant House
'Earthquake-resistant' technology enables the building to counter quakes by making its strength and resilience great enough to resist shakings. Although it can protect the building safely, it is ac-companied by a risk that the furniture inside could fall or drop.

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Hybrid seismic isolation system,
the first of its kind for houses in japan

The hybrid seismic isolation system that incorporates ultra-low elastic multi-rubber with a specially-coated slider is the first of its kind for houses in Japan.. Our efforts to untiringly and repeatedly conduct experiments have come to fruition at last, allowing us to provide quake-proof houses of outstanding performance at low cost

The laminated rubber plays a role in oscillating the building at a low frequency in the event of an earthquake.

This absorbs the energy of an earthquake by sliding the building freely 360 degrees.

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High performance was verified after 300 shakes,
reducing earthquake's acceleration by 1/4 or 1/3.

In our development of seismic isolation systems, we carried out tests that actually shook a wooden 2-story house built on the device about 300 times. As a result, we confirmed that our system is capable of easing quake's acceleration (intensity of vibrations) by 1/4 or 1/3 as well as securing safety to the point that even glasses on tables are prevented from trembling.

We conducted public experiments applying actual oscillations at Hazama Technology Institute, which has large testing equipment of the highest standard in Japan. This has proven our credible quake isolation performance and high security.

Results of vibration of tests

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Our performance in Japan

We have developed our base isolated houses, making their popularity our prime goal, and we have succeeded in cutting the cost substantially to one-half or to 1/3 of that of traditional isolation structures. Realizing this cost-reduction, we have already built 1,900 houses in Japan (as of April 2006). We are very proud that this accounts for more than 70% of Japan's seismic isolation house market. "We want all the houses to be seismically isolated" We have a passion for creating safe houses every day.

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Examples of base isolated buildings in the U.S.

We have developed our base isolated houses, making their popularity our prime goal, and we have succeeded in cutting the cost substantially to one-half or to 1/3 of that of traditional isolation structures. Realizing this cost-reduction, we have already built 1,900 houses in Japan (as of April 2006). We are very proud that this accounts for more than 70% of Japan's seismic isolation house market. "We want all the houses to be seismically isolated" We have a passion for creating safe houses every day.

Oakland City Hall
(The state of California)

San Francisco City Hall
(The state of California)

USC University Hospital
(The state of California)

Source: Japan Society of Seismic Isolation

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